North Korea is by far the worlds most secretive society, and their isolation from the rest of the world has cause not only people from other countries to become curious, but even their own people. Towards the end of World War II Korea divided into two zones, the northern zone being controlled by the Soviet Union, and the southern by the U.S. Communist leader, Kim II Sung came to power in 1946, backed by his soviet leadership. In 1950, North Korea invaded the South, which ended in an armistice three years later.
The U.S. intelligence team continuously tried to keep an eye on North Korea and we have always been one of their top enemies. North Korea had huge industrial development, and their "guiding light" became Kim II-sungs's personal philosophy of Juche. When he died in 1994 he became the "eternal president" of North Korea. Since then Kim Jung-il was president, and now his successor, who is his third son and was trained since he was a young boy, Kim Jong-un is in power. He has announced and planned nuclear tests, and missile launches and has put his country under speculation by the rest of the world.
Recently North Korea has issued near daily threats to the United States and South Korea. They have conducted three nuclear tests since 2006, and have been threatening the use of a ballistic missile. China is their closest ally and many people in their country seek ways to sneak out. The Obama Administration adopted a policy of "strategic patience" in 2009 [NY Times]. The United Nations Security Council has passed four resolutions since 2006 aimed at penalizing North Korea for its nuclear weapons program [NY Times]. North Koreans are enduring huge human rights violations right now, and most people are suffering of starvation, malnutrition or are being beaten or severely punished if they are even assumed to be criticizing their government.
With the conditions their country is facing I believe that we will see a regime change within our lifetime. As for now Kim Jung-un seems to be high in power, and does not seem worried about his nations condition. But the society wants to reform, as many of them seem to secretly disagree, and I believe that slowly they will find a way to overthrow or remove their leader.